Tuesday, March 26, 2013

All About Squid

What are Squid?

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephlapoda

Order:             Teuthida
Squid are a type of cephlapods and there are around 300 species of squid. Squid have a distinct head, a mantle and arms. Squid have eight                    arms arranged in pairs and two longer tentacles that are used for hunting. Squid are strong swimmers and certain species can "fly" for short distances out of the water.

All bout squid and their body:

  • Fin= These help squid change direction when they're swimming
  • Mantle= This is the main part of the body; all the organs are inside here.
  • Eye= Squids have well developed eye that allows them to see about as well as people.
  • Arm= Squid have 8 arms that are covered in suction cups.
  • Pen= The squid is related to other "shelled": animals like clams and snails. The pen is all that is left of the shell the squid's ancestors had.
  • Suction cups= The suction cups help the squid hold onto food.
  • Chromatophores= These spots change size to change the squid's color for camouflage or possibly communication.
Squid fin


6 interesting facts about squid:

  1. The earliest known ancestor of today’s squid is Kimberella, a tiny mollusk that looked like a jellyfish and lived about 555 million years ago.
  2. Some ink that excretes from a squid can cause euphoria; a sensation in the human brain. 
  3. Tiny deep sea squid known as Heteroteuthis can shoot out a cloud of light when frightened  This squid's nickname is "fire shooter". It can do this by a process of bioluminescence.
  4. The largest species of squid is the Humboldt Squid which can grow up to 90 feet long (or so thought; hint hint, monster quest video). These squid are often found practicing cannibalism.
  5. Some squid have the capability of turning themselves blood-red. They do this because the wavelength of this color does not travel far underwater so they can become practically invisible.
  6. Squid have a very unique trait among them. Squid have three hearts.

All about our lab dissecting squid:
The most interesting thing i did in our lab was puncturing the eye-ball. It started spewing blood and red-orange liquid everywhere. It was disgusting but cool at the same time.
The most disgusting thing was the way the surface of the body felt. It was all slimy and "gooey". I washed my hands at least four times after the experiment because every time i rubbed my hands together, i felt the nasty ooze feeling on my hands.
What i really liked about the lab was that we (my group and everyone else) were free to do what we wanted during the dissection. We weren't instructed by anyone to do anything really specific. We had free time to do what we wanted and it was a great learning experience. What i didn't like very much was that we didn't have much time to inspect and study the squid. We had less than 30 minutes to do the experiment and it would've been nice to have a bit longer; maybe close to an hour.
The only thing i would change would probably be the disposal of the squid. I felt really bad just throwing away all that juicy, meaty, "yumminess" in the garbage. Next time, have the class cook some of the squid. That way it is not wasted. Yum!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Whale Flukes

Why are whale flukes used to identify whales?

Many whales have patterns of black and white pigmentation
and scars on the underside of their tails that are unique to each
whale, just as fingerprints are to humans. Researchers document
the marks on the right and left lobes of the tail, or flukes, and rate
the percentage of dark vs. light skin pigmentation from 100 percent
white to 100 percent black.

Why do scientists need this data?

For scientific purposes, each whale that is sighted in any ocean, is assigned a catalog number. The unique scarring and
shading patterns also provide the inspiration for common names of whales.
Scientists can further use this way of tracking whales to learn more about their livelihoods as they do everyday.

What was the most difficult part of our lab?

Our class did a lab that helped us learn to identify whales by their flukes. In this lab, each team of two partners was given 4 photographs of whale flukes and they were required to match the corresponding whale to its corresponding fluke. The hardest part for me was not the matching  it was more of the pressure we received as we first started. The booklet we were given to match the whales was enormous. It has about 15 pages each page included 15 whale flukes. It was very overwhelming at first but never the less, we were able to get the task done quickly and correctly.

How could we change this lab to make it better?

I think we should've been given more difficult pictures of whale flukes to match. Many photos had whale flukes that were clearly easy to identify. I felt like it wasn't a big enough challenge for me. Perhaps if we would've recieved more than 10 photos to match, it would've been a better learning experience. One that is both challenging and educational but fun at the same time


What is over fishing?

Fishing with a sufficiently high intensity to reduce the breeding stock levels to such an extent that they will no longer support a sufficient quantity of fish for sport or commercial harvest or basically fishing too much to the point of extremely low population of adult fish.

Why is it a major concern?

Over fishing means you are fishing more than nature can produce. 3/4 of the world's fish stocks are being harvested faster than they can reproduce. Eighty percent are already in decline. Ninety percent of all large predatory fish – including tuna, sharks, swordfish, cod and halibut – are gone. Scientists are showing that if we continue with what we are currently doing, the fishing industry will collapse by the year 2050. Here are some staggering facts:
  • Modern fishing vessels catch more than 108 million tons of fish yearly and 8 to 25% of this is discarded overboard; dead or alive
  • This means up to 27 million fish are thrown out each year
  • Equivalent to 600 fully filled Titanic 
  • Dead victims are not only fish
  • Every year, an estimated 300,000 whales, dolphins, and porpoises die entangled in fishing nets, along with sea turtles
  • Long line fisheries also kill seabirds
  • Over fishing is responsible for endangering many sea life
How does it effect our daily life?

Coastal communities around the world depend on fish as their primary source of protein. Overfishing threatens their long-term food security in many countries.This in turn has impacts on the rest of the marine ecosystem. An example would be an increase of growth of algae in the coral reefs. For people who enjoy fish or seafood (me), this could lead to a huge impact on the amount or consumption we as society would be able to have.

How can you and I help?
For one thing, you must take action. We can protect our oceans and marine sources by urging the President and the Senate to work to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention which will help give the community a better chance to work together to help preserve our fragile ocean and marine ecosystems and environments.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Karenia Brevis

Karenia Brevis (Dinoflagellate)

What is Karenia Brevis?
Karenia Brevis is a marine dinoflagellate (a one-celled aquatic protist that's found in both salt and fresh water)  that is common in Gulf of Mexico water. and is the organism responsible for Florida red tide, as well as red tide in Texas.

What algae bloom is caused by Karenia Brevis?

Karenia Brevis is responsible what is known as the Florida red-tide. It is also responsible for red tides in Texas.


What are the characteristics of the Red Tide?

  • Some red tides are associated with the production of natural toxins, depletion of dissolved oxygen or other harmful effects. Most red tides are described harmful algae blooms (HAB).
  • They can be very harmful to both marine animal health and human health. It has been researched and shown that in the Gulf of Mexico, Karenia Brevis has been found in red tides  in both low and high concentrations. In high concentrations, its toxin paralyzes the central nervous system of fish so they cannot breathe resulting in large numbers of dead fish that wash up along the beaches.
  • Not all red tide have toxins or are harmful.
  • The name "red" does not always mean the color of the tide. Many tides are not necessarily red  and some do not have any discoloration at all.
  • The name red tide" has nothing to do with the movement of the tides.
  •   The density of these organisms during a red tide bloom can exceed tens of millions of cells per liter of seawater, and often discolor the water a deep reddish-brown hue.

The red tide also known as Florida Red Tide, can produce toxins that can be spread through all sea life as well as humans if they come in contact with it.  A very bad case example of this would be NSP or neurotoxic shelfish poisoning.
NSP is caused by eating shellfish contaminated with"brevetoxins," which are produced by Karenia brevis. NSP is a short-term illness with neurologic symptoms (such as tingling fingers or toes) and gastrointestinal symptoms. There are very few cases of NSP in the United States because coastal states carefully monitor their shellfish beds and close the beds for harvesting if high concentrations of these brevetoxins are detected in the water or in the shellfish. Brevetoxins may also be in the air along the Gulf coast of Florida during Florida Red Tide events and includes symptoms such as eye irritation and a sore throat. People who have asthma may have symptoms, such as chest tightness, that last for several  days after exposure.

Sea Bass
NSP is also dangerous for marine life such as fish. Small fish that eat the algae become contaminated. If larger fish eats a lot of the smaller, contaminated fish, the poison can build up to a dangerous level inside the bigger fish's body. An example of these fish most commonly found with NSP are red snapper, grouper and sea bass. 


Red Snapper
Although to date, there are no documented deaths due to NSP, the symptoms alone are extremely painful. Here are some more symptoms that come from NSP illness:

Ciguatera poisoning symptoms can occur anywhere from 2 to 12 hours after eating the fish. They include:
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea (severe and watery)
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
Shortly after these symptoms develop, you will start to have strange sensations, which may include:
  • A feeling that your teeth are loose and about to fall out
  • Confusing hot and cold temperatures (for instance, you will feel that an ice cube is burning you, while a match is freezing your skin)
  • Headache (probably the most common)
  • Low heart rate and low blood pressure (in very severe cases)
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
Scombroid poisoning symptoms usually occur immediately after eating the fish. They may include:
  • Breathing problems (in severe cases)
  • Extremely red skin on face and body
  • Flushing
  • Hives and itching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What Have We Learned About Plankton?

What exactly are plankton?

Plankton are microscopic organisms that drift on the oceans' currents. They include organisms such as diatoms, dinoflagillates, and cope pods. They also include the microscopic larva of crustaceans, sea urchins, and fish. Due to its diversity, plankton may be primitive unicellular organisms such as algae or fungi or they can become complex multicellular plants and animals such as sponges and fish.

Plankton are also found in numerous numbers of "photosynthetic" organisms that are very productive. These types of plankton are mostly responsible for generating the earth's oxygen (80%).



Plankton are divided into two different groups; plant (phytoplankton) and animal (zooplankton).
Phytoplankton need light like normal plants do so they are found near the surface where light is available for photosynthesis. Zooplankton, need to be near the the surface of the water too however this is so they can feed on the phytoplankton.

Because they need to be near the surface, plankton have developed several ways of floating or controlling their position in the sea. These include:
  • Spikes= Help distribute the organism's weight over a large surface area, slowing its sinking.
  • Examples= Zoea and the Brachiolaria Larvae both have spikes.
  • Oil distribution= Oil is lighter than water, in turn allows the organism to float.
  • Examples= Copepods and Diatoms produce oil to help them float.
  • Air-filled floats= The float acts as a balancing agent to help keep the organism "floating" freely as they move across the ocean.
  • Examples= Portuguese man-o-war uses its air-filled float to help keep it afloat. 
  • Portuguese man-o-war

Plankton can also divided into two groups: Holoplankton and Meroplankton.

  • Meroplankton= Found in coastal waters, they stay as plankton for their larval or early stages of life and then they either become nekton or benthos. (Example of nekton= flounder, tuna, shark. Example of benthos= worms, barnacles, algae.)
  • Holoplankton= Found in open water, predominant in floating state, remain planktonic state their entire life cycle.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Killer Whales

KILLER WHALE (Orcinus Orca)


The Killer Whale is a member of the Cetacea family which are mammals with
  • forelimbs modified into flippers
  • a horizontally flattened tail
  • one opr two nostrils at the top of the head for breathing 
  • no hind limbs
  • includes whales, dolphins and porpoises

       Killer Whales inhabit all of the earth's oceans. Next to humans, killer whales are the most widely distributed mammal. They are mostly found in the open ocean but are abundant in coastal waters. 
       Infant born (baby) killer whales are called calves. The pregnancy of an average killer whale ranges from 15 to 18 months and they are born all throughout the year but some specific regions may peak birth months. The northeast Pacific Ocean for example, have had occasions where calves are born between October and March.

  1. The average life span of the Killer Whale in the wild is 50-80 years old.
  2. The average Killer Whale is around 5.2 tons but they cn weigh up to 6 tons.
  3. Killer Whales have 40-50 teeth that grow up to 4 inches long.
  4. Killer Whales live in family groups called "pods" and each pod has a number of 30-40 Killer Whales.
  5. Baby Killer Whales or "Orca/Calves" are born up to 8 feet long and can weigh up to 400 pounds.  
  6.  Female killer whales appear to become "reproductively active" between the ages of 10 to 16 years old
  7. Killer Whales prefer to hunt "cooperatively" like wolves do. 
  8. Killer Whales use "echolocation" to find food sources just like bats do.
  1.  New research shows that Killer Whales are inhaling bacteria, fungi and viruses once believed to be only found on land. Some of the pathogens are highly deadly and some are immune to most antibiotics. 
  2.  There have been several cases where a large vessel or fishing boat, has gotten to close to a Killer Whale in the water. As a result, there have been reported collisions which have either seriously injured the whale or even killed it.
  3.  Toxic substance ingested by Killer Whales that is due to fish being eaten by them. Because Killer Whales are top predators on the food chain, they eat nearly everything that comes to them as food. Fish that have been "contaminated" by toxins from landfills, man-made reservoirs, or human waste have become a big concern.
  4. Commercial fishing has in some parts of the world lowered the food standard quantity for Killer Whales. Killer Whales rely on heavy quantity of fish for food resources. A shortage of fish for them could cause Killer Whales to either starve due to a food shortage or make them find a different food source; one not nature to them.

 The reason why I choose the killer whale  is because it is one of the few creatures that humans bond with physically. Like dolphins, they can and are used to perform shows with spectacular tricks at places like Sea World. However, unlike dolphins the killer whale is much more dangerous. Their enormous size and strength pale in comparison to that of the dolphins. Accidents can and do happen when humans choose to be around animals like that of these. Sometimes these "accidents" can result in a much greater tragedy than what people choose to think.  A fine example:


Friday, February 15, 2013

Harmful Algae Bloom

      When environmental conditions are just right for algae, the cells may multiply rapidly and become much higher in number and this is called an algal bloom. HAB's or harmful algae bloom is the production of toxic troublesome algae that (can) cause a negative impact to natural resources or to humans. A bloom often results in a color change in the water. HAB's can be any color, but the most common ones are red or brown. These blooms are often called red or brown tides. Most HAB's are not harmful but some do affect fish and humans, as well as other animals like birds and marine mammals.
      A Pacific loon found dead in Monterey Bay, CA in November, 2007 with yellow-green staining of ventral breast feathers

There are several things that can cause the growth of HAB. Common causes are nutrient enrichment and warm waters. Nutrient enrichment of water (phosphates and nitrogen) is often the result of pollution from dirty sources. Warm water temperature has also been related to the growth of algal blooms.

 Although we as humans are not 100% responsible for HAB's, there are still things we can do to prevent the horrid distribution of them. The Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health, including the Division of Shellfish Sanitation, are working together to regularly monitor the water and shellfish growing areas for the presence of HAB's and are also conducting surveillance for any human health effects.
as of today, 2013 there are currently 85 toxic micro algal species that have been documented.Of these 85, 37 are currently thriving in Gulf of Mexico waters.

NOT SO FUN FACT ABOUT HARMFUL ALGAE BLOOMS: Algae blooms are capable of producing various illnesses such as Ciguartera Fish Poisoning, Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning, and Neurotic Shellfish Poisoning. All of  these nasty illnesses have very eerie, nasty symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and serious abdominal pain. These illnesses can be transferred from various types of seafood that might have been in contact with the algae including shrimp, lobster, and various fish. Be sure to check where your seafood came from before consuming it!